The South African Association of Community Pharmacists (SAACP) is a sector body of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA). We are mandated to promote the interests of Community Pharmacists who are members of the PSSA and focus on building a united profession to better fulfil our professional role in the community pharmacy practice space.
SAAHIP is an acronym for the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. As a sector of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA), SAAHIP has the following as its objectives: To promote the professional, educational and economic interests of the members of the Association and of the pharmaceutical profession, with specific emphasis on pharmacists active in the practice of hospital and institutional pharmacy.
Established in 1979, the Academy caters for the needs of pharmacists and non-pharmacists involved in any sphere of pharmacy. The criteria for membership of the Academy are that members shall through active involvement or through an interest in: education; research and development; production; control or marketing of medicines or; community or hospital practice of pharmacy, contribute to the pharmaceutical sciences and technology and the professional practice of pharmacy.
SAAPI, the South African Association for Pharmacist in Industry is a sector of Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA), and a not-for-profit association serving its Members by providing scientific, technical and regulatory skills development and guiding policy and scientific matters through the pharmaceutical lifecycle.